The Food Edition - Philippines
There's so much that I love about the Philippines. I love the infectious optimism of it's people. I love the language. I love that I...
An Emotional Goodbye to Zarraga NHS
So much has happened over the last few weeks that it would take writing a book to capture them all. So for the sake of brevity (that was...
Sink or Swim. Time to Teach at Zarraga National High School
Again, many of these posts are a bit out of order, but they should be easy enough to follow. The story continues the day after the...
Getting Familiar With My New Family
***Note - These posts are a bit out of order for many different reasons. I hope it doesn't detract from the story. I arrived in Iloilo...
I went to Zarraga and all I got was a parade and dance party in my honor
So much has happened over the last week or so and I’ve been too tired to blog until now. This blog will cover the most rewarding day of...
Adventures in Iloilo
I am very fortunate that I’ve been able to see so much of this world, and infinitely more fortunate to consistently come across people...
Meditations on Manila
This journey began much the same way that so many of my trips begin; with me staring at my clock, paranoid that I will oversleep (of...
My first blog post
This is the first time that I’ve ever even considered blogging, but it is a requirement of the TGC program (Teachers for Global...