Digital learning environment inventory
Globalized Standards
Additional Resources
Watkins Mill High School
What tools, software, operating systems, resources, e-learning sites, and equipment are available in your school and classroom? (including, but not limited to: dedicated technology personnel, tablets, smart phones, computer labs (stationary and/or mobile), videoconferencing, streaming, photo sharing sites, video sharing sites, document sharing sites, podcasts, blogs, wikis, social networking sites).
WMHS provides each classroom with a desktop personal computer connected to a Promethean Board, with internet and network access. Additionally, all social studies classes have Chromebook laptops at a 1:1 ratio for students. These chromebooks give students access to the internet, Google Drive, and Google Apps for Education.
2. How does your school make use of school and/or teacher websites, grade book technology, Google Apps for Education, one-to-one education technology, flipped classrooms, etc.?
All schools in Montgomery County are connected to Pinnacle gradebook, as well as MYMCPS and MYMCPS Classroom, which gives teachers, students and parents access to student assignments, grades, attendance, etc. Teachers are encouraged to develop lessons using Google Apps for Education or other available apps/sites. Some of the more popular apps that social studies teachers are using with students include: Padlet, Kahoot, PowToons, etc
3.How would you like to further evolve your use of technology in the classroom?
We are fortunate in that our school has allowed us access to so much technology. However, I would like to be able to use the technology in a more focussed way to ensure that learning is taking place rather than simply using the technology for the sake of using it. One specific tool that I would like to make use of is the ability to real time connect with schools in other countries in order to for our students to collaborate with one another.
4.Is there a process for evaluating student technology literacy in your school? If so, how effective or helpful have you found the assessment?
This is an area where we fall short. Since our county provides so much technology at every level, as a high school, we make the assumption that all students have at least minimally tech savvy. This isn’t always the case, however, as so many of our students come to us from another county, state or country. Many teachers who use specific technologies may evaluate student’s proficiencies but it doesn’t happen school-wide.
5.Is there a system for evaluating educators' technology literacy to identify areas of need and match those needs to professional development programs?
The only system that we have is a self-report system, where teachers who feel that they need more training will have it provided for them, but we do not have a school-wide or county-wide program from ensuring that teachers are literate in new technologies
6.Describe the professional development opportunities available to properly introduce you to and train you in the use of various technologies.
MCPS provides a plethora of trainings on new technologies at no cost. In addition, local school-based trainings take place pretty regularly. These trainings are either done by someone who works in the school (staff development teacher, peer to peer) or by someone outside of the building who comes in to train a particular cohort of teachers.
7. How does technology help you to globalize your classroom?
The use of these apps and technologies help students remain engaged in lessons as they are able to utilize the tools that they are most comfortable with (cell phones, laptops, etc.). They also allow students to be more creative and collaborative as they can access the information outside of class and work virtually with each other.